Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Transformers 2 part 04

transformers 2

The transformer principle was demonstrated in 1831 by Michael Faraday. A transformer is a device used to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another. A transformer changes electricity from high to low voltage using two properties of electricity. In an electric circuit, there is magnetism around it. Second, whenever a magnetic field changes a voltage is made. Electric power is like the air we breathe. It meets all our needs. It is only during a power failure you realize how important power is in our everyday life. It is used while heating, cooling, cooking, refrigeration, light, sound, computation, entertainment and for many other things. Loss in the transformer arises due to winding resistance, hysteresis losses, eddy currents, magnetostriction, mechanical losses, and stray losses. The many uses of transformers are due to power level, frequency range, voltage class, cooling type, application function, end purpose, winding turns ratio. There are various kinds of transformers like the current, isolation, power, electric , audio, fly back, high voltage, low voltage, step down, push pull and isolation transformer.

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Electric transformer is a device used to transfer an alternating current or voltage from one circuit to another by means of electromagnetic induction. Audio transformer is an iron core transformer that is used for coupling audio frequency circuits. Step down transformers are designed to reduce electrical voltage. Their primary voltage is greater than secondary voltage. This kind of transformer step down the voltage applied to it.

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High voltage transformer converts voltages from one level to another, usually from higher to lower. Microwave is the best example where high voltage transformer is used in household products. High voltage transformer is available with the standard voltage of 600 to 5000 volts. High voltage transformers are used for metering and security in high voltage circuits and in electrostatic industrial and other technical applications.

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The main advantage of using the low voltage transformer is to reduce the risk carried over by way of electric shock. Low voltage transformer fetches more demand among the customer and it is specially designed to meet the requirements of the customer around the world. The low voltage transformer is available with the standard voltage of 12 or 234 volts. Current transformer is mostly used in metering and protective relaying in the electrical power industry where they facilitate the safe measurement of large currents, often in the presence of high voltages. Push pull transformer is an audio frequency transformer having a center tapped winding and designed for used in a push pull amplifier. Isolation transformer is a transformer, often with symmetrical windings, which is used to decouple two circuits. Isolation transformers with electrostatic shields are used for power supplies for sensitive equipment such as computers or laboratory instruments.

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Never play around a transformer. If a toy is near a transformer tell your parents to call the electric company. The electricity from the transformer can kill anyone. Never fly a kite around electrical lines. Never touch wires inside or outside the house.

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transformers 2

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transformers 2

transformers 2

transformers 2

transformers 2

transformers 2

transformers 2

transformers 2

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